David E. Bukusi
D.E.O.Bukusi@uva.nlI have worked in the field of HIV prevention for over 15 years in Kenya. I have previously been an International AIDS Scholar with the AISSR at the University of Amsterdam, and am thrilled to have the opportunity to return to work on a PhD. As a psychiatrist, I have also worked in the general field of mental health addressing psychotrauma, substance abuse and youth health. Most recently I have been working with a national team to develop strategies and guidelines for holistic adolescent and youth health care in Kenya. In addition to being an avid rugby fan, I also volunteer as a Clinical Director for Special Olympics Kenya working to see the inclusion of those with intellectual disabilities in sporting activities.
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Kokonya, Donald A., John M. Mburu, Dammas M. Kathuku, D.M. Ndetei, Desire E. Nshimirimana, Adam H. Adam, Louise Mapleh Kpoto, Phocas S. Biraboneye, and David E. Bukusi. 2015. ‘Compassion Fatigue among Medical Workers at Kenyatta National Hospital (KNH), Nairobi, Kenya’. Journal of Medical Research and Development 4, no. 3: 24-30.
Polkovnikova-Wamoto, Anastasia, Manasi Kumar, and David E. Bukusi. 2015. ‘Psychological Support of Adolescent after Autocastration: A Case Report’. Journal of Clinical Case Reports 5, no. 4: 521.
Wamuti, Beatrice Muthoni, Laura Kelly Erdman, Peter Cherutich, Matthew Golden, Matthew Dunbar, David E. Bukusi, et al. 2015. ‘Assisted Partner Notification Services to Augment HIV Testing and Linkage to Care in Kenya: Study Protocol for a Cluster Randomized Trial’. Implementation Science 10:23.
Kuria, Mary W., Lilian Omondi, Yvonne Olando, Margaret Makenyengo, and David E. Bukusi. 2013. ‘Is Sexual Abuse a Part of War? A 4-Year Retrospective Study on Cases of Sexual Abuse at the Kenyatta National Hospital, Kenya’. Journal of Public Health in Africa 4, no. 1:24–26.
Katlego Disemelo
K.Disemelo@uva.nlTrained in English Literature and Philosophy (Rhodes University), I have recently begun my academic career as a critical discourse analyst. With a specific focus on representations of black queer masculinities in post-apartheid South Africa, I have a keen interest in the mediation and circulation of "queerness"within popular and youth culture. I obtained my research MA in media studies (with distinction) at the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg. As a new member of the "Becoming Men" research team I hope to offer a critical analysis of the often contradictory ways in which non-normative masculinities are mediated, configured and represented in urban Johannesburg. In addition, I enjoy exploring art galleries and hunting for quirky vintage accessories in my "spare" time.
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Disemelo, Katlego. 2015a. ‘Black Men as Pink Consumers? A Critical Reading of Race, Sexuality and the Construction of the “Pink Economy” in South African Queer Consumer Media’. Master’s thesis, University of Witwatersrand.http://hdl.handle.net/10539/18447 .
———————— 2015b. ‘Student Protests are about Much More Than Just #FeesMustFall’. Mail & Guardian: Africa’s Best Read, 29 October, http://mg.co.za/article/2015-10-29-student-protests-are-about-much-more-than-just-feesmustfall.
Carolyne Egesa
C.P.Egesa@uva.nlI hold an MS degree from the University of Southampton, UK and a BA from University of Nairobi, Kenya. I have over ten years of research experience working in various capacity in sexual reproductive health and rights in Kenya and SSA. My interests include programs and policy debates on the issues that shape health outcomes among men in urban spaces in Africa, especially those living in urban informal settlements.
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Izugbara, Chimaraoke. O., Carolyne Egesa, and Rispah Okelo. 2015. ‘"High Profile Health Facilities can add to Your Trouble": Women, Stigma and Un/Safe Abortion in Kenya’. Social Science & Medicine 141: 9-18.
Mohamed, Shukri F., Chimaraoke O Izugbara, Ann M. Moore, Michael Mutua, Elizabeth W. Kimani-Murage, Abdhalah Kasiira Ziraba, Akinrinola Bankole, Susheela D. Singh, and Carolyne Egesa. 2015. ‘The Estimated Incidence of Induced Abortion in Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study’. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1: 185.
Ziraba, Abdhalah Kasiira, Chimaraoke O. Izugbara, Brooke A. Levandowski, Hailemichael Gebreselassie, Michael Mutua, Shukri F. Mohamed, Carolyne Egesa, and Elizabeth W. Kimani-Murage. 2015. ‘Unsafe Abortion in Kenya: A Cross-Sectional Study of Abortion Complication Severity and Associated Factors’. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 15, no. 1: 34.
Izugbara, Chimaraoke O., and Carolyne Egesa. 2014. ‘The Management of Unwanted Pregnancy among Women in Nairobi, Kenya’. International Journal of Sexual Health 26, no. 2: 100-112.
Izugbara, Chimaraoke O., Rhoune Ochako, Carolyne Egesa, and Ronny Tikkanen. 2013. ‘Ethnicity, Livelihoods, Masculinity, and Health among Luo Men in the Slums of Nairobi, Kenya’. Ethnicity & Health 18, no. 5: 483-498.
Sarita Fae Jarmack
S.F.Jarmack@uva.nlWith over a decade of international experience, I continue my research as a PhD candidate on migration and gender in the anthropology department at the University of Amsterdam. As a recipient of the Rotary International Ambassadorial Scholarship in 2012, I obtained my MSc from Aalborg University upon completion of my BA in Special Education from the University of New Mexico. I am also an Assistant Editor for the journal, Medicine Anthropology Theory, and, as an editor for Allegra Lab, I assist students to voice their ideas through alternative publishing formats.
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Jarmack, Sarita. 2015. 'A Move Beyond Breadwinning: Men’s Friendships After Migration'. Paper presentation at International Conference on Masculinities hosted by Stony Brook University, NYC, USA, March 5-8.
——————. 2014. 'Migrants from Nepal: Men's Self-perceptions of Masculinity'. Paper presentation at Second City Anthropology Conference: Place, Transborder Identities: Constructions of Life and Place, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA, March 8.
——————. 2014. 'Occupants of Transnational Spaces: Masculine Identities and Remitting'. Paper presentation at International Symposium on Men and Masculinities: Identities, Cultures, Societies, Izmir, Turkey, September 11- 13.
Jeroen Lorist
J.lorist@rutgers.nlI have degrees in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies in the Hague, in psychology from the University of South Africa, and have also completed training in Information Science. I am excited to undertake research as a PhD candidate at the AISSR, whilst also working as a Technical Advisor on gender justice for Rutgers, an NGO based in the Netherlands.
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Lucy Wanjiku Mung'ala
L.W.Mungala@uva.nlI am a Ph.D. researcher at the Amsterdam Institute for Social Science Research, University of Amsterdam. I am a graduate of University of Nairobi and Royal Tropical Institute in the Netherlands. I have over 12 years work experience in development cooperation and programme management focusing on sexual rights, gender, human rights and movement building. My research focuses on the political and practical configurations of sexual minorities in the 21st century, in Kenya. I am interested in studying the emergence of the category ‘sexual minorities’ and how it is (re)imagined, (re)configured and (re)produced through everyday encounters with the global development apparatus.
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Mung’ala, Lucy Wanjiku, E. Sully, L. Pilozzi-Edmonds, A. Parkinson and N. Kilonzo. 2007. ‘Youth Sexuality and the ABC Model: Priorities, Problems and Policy’. Sex Matters, Urgent Action Fund Publications: 179-209.
Mung’ala, Lucy Wanjiku, N. Kilonzo, P. Angala, S. Theobald, M. Taegtmeyer. 2006. ‘Promoting Female Condoms in HIV Voluntary Counselling and Testing Centres in Kenya’. Reproductive Health Matters 14, no. 28: 99–103.
Taegtmeyer, M., N. Kilonzo, Lucy Wanjiku Mung’ala, G. Morgan, S. Theobald. 2006. ‘Using Gender Analysis to Build Voluntary Counselling and Testing Responses in Kenya’. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene 100, no. 4: 305—311.
Linda Musariri
L.Musariri@uva.nlI hold a Master’s degree in Demography and Population Studies from University of the Witwatersrand (2012) and a BA in Theatre Arts from University of Zimbabwe (2007). For the past six years I have been working as an activist and researcher within the NGO sector in South Africa conducting policy oriented research measuring gender based violence in several countries in the SADC using mostly household surveys. I have coordinated research in Zambia, Lesotho and the Seychelles. Given the diversity in my background my research interests include gender, reproductive health, migration, public health and monitoring and evaluation. I am particularly interested in processes of evidence production in relation to gender and violence within the development apparatus.
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Musariri, L., and C.O. Odimegwu. 2007. ‘Determinants of Condom Use among Selected Migrant Commerical Farm Workers in South Africa'. African Journal of Reproductive Health 20, no. 2: 13-26.
Jasmine M. Shio
J.M.Shio@uva.nlI hold a BA in Sociology and an MA in Demography, both obtained from the University of Dar es Salaam-Tanzania. I continue my research as a PhD candidate within the Becoming Men project in the anthropology department at the University of Amsterdam. With over six years experience in social science research, I expect to come up with significant information to enlighten the current coneptualizations and interventions related to the shifting (homo)sexual identities emerging on the Tanzanian coast in the age of mass HIV treatment.
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